UMCE: PhD in Education

The Doctor of Education program of Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación aims to strengthen the scientific community in the field of education and related disciplines, forming highly qualified researchers who contribute to the innovation and improvement of education through the construction of new knowledge, pertinent to the demands of the present society.

As it is characteristic of this pedagogical university, the investigative task is aligned with the purpose of contributing to the human development of the people involved in education.


To train critical, reflexive and autonomous researchers capable of directing and developing original research whose results contribute to the processes of improving the quality and equity of education at the national and Latin American level.

Student Profile

The graduate of the Doctoral Program, within the framework of the ethical and social and civic responsibility that characterizes the University, will be able to: generate new knowledge through the autonomous development of original and innovative scientific research that contributes to the understanding of the educational phenomenon; articulate the disciplinary knowledge with the pedagogical knowledge in socio-educational contexts; contribute to the knowledge and understanding of diversity, which is a condition of the educational situation; and impact in the resolution of current problems of the educational field, its actors and contexts, at a national and international level.

Curriculum Hubs

  • Knowledge and learning
  • Education and diversity
  • National school system and its contexts
  • Pedagogical-Interdisciplinary Research in Education

Academic Degree Awarded: Doctor of Education