UCSC welcomes Simpson College students

These young students are the first representatives from the North American institution to attend the Spanish for Foreigners Program provided by the the Education Faculty of Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción.
“It is important for us to receive them. The exchange is an enriching experience, which is difficult to grasp when you are living it, and can only be taken in in hindsight. We hope your time here is advantageous for each of you and for our institution.” With these words UCSC’s Pro-Rector, Andres Varela, officially welcomed 11 students from Simpson College, who will course a semester at the University.
The young students from Iowa, USA, took part in the Spanish for Foreigners program provided by the University’s Education Faculty, and are the first representatives from that particular college to choose UCSC as their exchange destination. Once they arrived at Concepcion, the students where received by the Director of Institutional Relations, Steve Baeza, and by the Chief of Networks and Projects unit, Caitlin Jurgensen, as well as the families that will take them into their homes.
During their stay at UCSC, the group will be accompanied by Simpson College’s academic, Dr. Mark Bates, who will teach the subjects of History of the Intervention of the United States in Latin America and a course of Reflection. Both courses will be open to USCS students who are interested in participating.
“As a mentor, I hope the students improve their ability to express themselves when speaking and writing in Spanish, and start to understand what it is to look at a new culture, understanding it without judgement. In our College we use a method of cultural analysis in out classes, which will be applied by the students during their experience in Chile. My wish is that when our students finish the program, they can develop abilities that allow them to travel while feeling integrated in any place in Latin America”, stated Bates.