What to Do if You’re a Student and You Get Sick in a Foreign Country

10 April, 2020


Going abroad is a challenge, even more so when the fear of getting sick is part of your list of worries. However, getting sick abroad is more common than you think and you shouldn’t panic. Here is some advice to guide you as to how you should proceed in Chile.

  1. Always Have Insurance

Before going abroad, we always need to consider that we might get sick or have an accident. You should do some research regarding an international health insurance that you can rely on in case of any emergency.


  1. Eat a Balanced Diet and Keep Hydrated

When we don’t feel well, eating food that’s rich in vitamins, like fruits and vegetables, is always of great help. Soups are also a good way to comfort our organism.


On the other hand, it is always necessary to keep hydrated. We recommend buying bottled water, since you don’t know how your body might react to tap water of a different country, since it is not used to it.


  1. Get Some Rest

Oftentimes we get sick and it is only a cold or the flu. In those situations, it is important that you make a pause in your activities and that you give your body the chance to rest.


Stay home, relax, watch some TV shows, or read all day. Remember that your body is spending all its energy in your malaise and will thank you for a pause of a couple of days.


  1. See a Specialist

If your symptoms do not cease and, on the contrary, they intensify, do not hesitate to see a specialist. A lot of times, the prospect of seeing a doctor in a foreign country is scary, but you need to be aware of how necessary it might be for your health in case you’re suffering from something serious and you don’t know it yet.


Remember that you need to see certified specialists and visit official health services, public or private. Consult with your insurance on how to proceed.


  1. Keep Calm and Inform Your Family

If you have the support of people that are close to you and that you’ve met during your time abroad, use it. It is always good to feel accompanied in these processes, and above all, try to keep calm.


Getting sick and stressing out about it doesn’t help at all. Breathe, count to 10 and do not panic.


On the other hand, do not forget that hiding this type of situations from your family is a mistake. Keep them up to date so they can also help from abroad or take the necessary measures in case of an emergency.