4 Steps to Help You Through Finals

26 December, 2020


The end of the year is just around the corner, and with that comes the end of term too. Tests, exams, and the pressure to pass all of your classes. It’s definitely a time of tension and stress, and because we want you to succeed, here are 4 steps that can help you through finals.

  1. Make a Schedule

A fundamental step is planning ahead. It’s really important to make a schedule so you can keep track of your exams.

What is it useful for? The idea behind organizing your calendar is to prepare for your exams with time, so you can schedule your days of study and your days of rest. This method will allow you to be mindful of your time, as well as to prepare materials ahead or arrange study group sessions on your days marked for studying.

  1. Get Some Rest

Remember that studying 24 hours in a row is useless if your mind doesn’t get a break. It’s likely that you will retain only half of the information and the rest will just end up a fog in your brain due to exhaustion and tension.

Sleep the hours your body and mind need, take the breaks you consider necessary. Maybe take a short walk, or eat something in between, or talk to your family and friends.

Putting your mind to something too hard with no space for relaxation will lead you to feel exhausted and without any desire to study for your exams.

  1. Do Some Exercise

When you’re feeling stressed due to the pressure that comes with the end of term, a good alternative is exercise.

Why would I exercise if I need to study? Well, exercising will allow you to channel your energy, it will relax your body and your mind, and when studying you’ll feel much more relaxed and focused.

Try with a short run, yoga, a dance tutorial, etc. Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, try leaving stress behind with some exercise.

  1. Don’t Leave Everything until the Last Minute

Studying only during the days prior to your exams won’t be effective. On the contrary, it will increase your anxiety and it may lead to your questioning of your own capabilities.

Remember that preparing ahead is always the best option.